Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through April 30, 2025. Learn More. Also, you have until April 30 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Clinics

Clark Health Clinic

  • Menu Item

Emergency Care

Call 911 or go immediately to an ER.
Enrolled in a TRICARE Prime plan?
Contact your primary care manager within 24 hours or the next business day after you receive emergency care.


Building 5-4257
Bastogne Street
Fort Bragg, NC 28310

From the Bragg Boulevard (Blvd.) Access Point:
Turn right onto Randolph Street then turn left onto Knox Street.
Take a right onto Honeycutt Road, turn left onto Zabitosky.
Take a left onto Bastogne, go straight through the light and Clark Health Clinic is on the right on the hill.

From the Reilly Road Access Point:
Continue on Reilly Road, turn Right on Honeycutt Road, turn left on Knox Street.
Just after Macomb Street, the Clark Health Clinic entrance is on the left.

From Yadkin Road Access Point:
Continue on Yadkin Road, turn Right on Reilly Road.
After Ardennes, turn Right on Honeycutt Road, turn Left on Knox Street.
Just past Macomb Street the Clark Health Clinic entrance is on the left.

From All American Gate:
Take the Gruber Road exit, turn left at the light on Gruber Road.
Turn Right on Knox Street and just past Macomb Street the Clark Health Clinic entrance is on the left.

From Butner Road Gate:
Continue on Butner Road, turn Left on Souter (PX).
Take a right onto Macomb Street, turn Right on Knox Street and the Clark Health Clinic entrance is on Left.

From Randolf Street Gate:
Continue on Randolf Street, turn Right on Knox Street.
Just past Macomb Street the Clark Health Clinic entrance is on the left.

From Honeycutt Rd. Gate:
Continue on Honeycutt, turn Right on Knox Street.
Just past Macomb Street the Clark Health Clinic entrance is on the left.

From Manchester Rd. Gate:
Continue on Manchester Road, turn Left on Reilly Road.
Just past Butner Road turn left on Woodruff Street, turn Right on Knox Street.
The Clark Health Clinic entrance is on the right.

For more information on access to Fort Bragg please the Fort Bragg website:
Fort Bragg Access Control Points.

Closed for Federal and Training Holidays.

All clinics will be closed on the following dates for federal and training holidays:

AUG 30, 2019 SEPT 2, 2019 OCT 11, 2019
OCT 14, 2019 NOV 11, 2019 NOV 28, 2019
NOV 29, 2019 DEC 24, 2019 DEC 25, 2019
DEC 31, 2019 JAN 01, 2020 JAN 20, 2020
FEB 14, 2020 FEB 17, 2020 APR 10, 2020
MAY 25, 2020 JUN 12, 2020 JUL 03, 2020
AUG 14, 2020 AUG 21, 2020 SEP 04, 2020

Last Updated 12/12/2019


Clinic: Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sick Call: Mon - Fri: 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

Telephone Number(s)

Main: (910) 907-2575 (CLRK)
Appointments: (910) 907-2778 (APPT)


4527 Bastogne
Building 5-4257
Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28310

Don't forget to keep your family's Information up to date in DEERS!